Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni emerges as Europe’s strongest politician

Giorgia Meloni emerges as the strongest politician in Europe following a victory in the European Union Elections. There is a wave of right-wing parties in Europe’s three largest countries, Germany, France and Italy. Moreover, the positions of French President Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholtz are weak in the elections. On the other hand, the position of Giorgia Meloni is strong. Thus now the command of Europe will be in the hands of Italy.

In India also where NDA a right-wing alliance won the election under the leadership of Modi. Meloni has given congratulations to Modi on social media. It seems that the right-wing politics is moving ahead around the world.

Giorgia Meloni With Narendra Modi
Meloni & Modi
Giorgia Meloni Congrats Modi
On Instagram
Giorgia Meloni Congratulation to Modi on X
On X

The European Union parliamentary elections have seen a wave of right-wing parties in Europe’s three largest countries, Germany, France and Italy. Also, right-wing parties have won big victories in many other European countries like Austria and Belgium. Its effect is also visible. Snap parliamentary elections have been announced in France and Belgian Prime Minister Alexandre De Croo has resigned following his party’s defeat in national and EU elections. The biggest victory in these elections has been seen by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who managed to increase her vote percentage and seats amid the anti-incumbency wave. After these elections, she is seen as the kingmaker of Europe for two reasons.

Related Post: European Union Election

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Why Giorgia Meloni emerged as the strongest

After these elections, Giorgia Meloni is seen as the kingmaker of Europe for two reasons.

1 Performance of Giorgia Meloni

After the weakening of French President Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholz in the elections, Georgia Meloni has emerged as the strongest politician in Europe. In these elections, her Party got about 29% votes, which is more than 26% of the national elections held last year. Furthermore, her party seats in the European Parliament are going to increase four times to around 23 to 25 as compared to 6 last time.

Giorgia Meloni Confirmation

On the other hand, after the weakening of Europe’s two strongest leaders, it is being seen as the link between Europe’s centre-right group and far-right groups.

2 The threat of right-wing in major countries of Europe


Marine Lel Pen
Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen, the right-wing leader of the National Rally Party, has caused the biggest upset in Europe. Her party has emerged as the largest party in France with about 33% of votes. Moreover, it is considered certain that they will get about 31 seats in the European Parliament.

Whereas President Emmanuel Macron’s party got only 15% votes. Disappointed Macron immediately dissolved the Parliament and announced mid-term elections for the Parliament. It may be difficult for Macron to serve the remaining three-year term as President if he loses parliamentary elections.


The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, considered far-right and close to Nazi ideology, has been in second place in Germany in the elections. This lead of AfD is being considered important given the federal elections to be held in Germany next year. At the same time, the alliance with the main opposition party Christian Democratic Alliance has got the maximum 30% votes. Whereas Shoults’s ruling coalition got about 19% votes.


For the first time, the far-right Freedom Party has received the highest number of votes, 26%. While the ruling People’s Party got 24% votes, the Social Democrats got 23% votes.

The Globe and Mail


The right-wing New Flemish Alliance emerged as the biggest winner in Belgian elections. While the far-right pro-Separatist Vlaams Belang party came in second place. The Flemish Alliance (N-VA) received 18.6% of the vote, while Vlaams Belang received 15.4%. Whereas Prime Minister Alexander De Croo’s party got only 6% votes.

Ongoing rise of right-wing in Netherlands and Hungary

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’s anti-immigrant right-wing Party for Freedom is projected to get 6 seats, just 2 seats less than the centre-left and Green parties. Moreover, in Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s nationalist party Fidesz managed to get the most votes.

The majority of the centre-right will remain

Ursula Van der Leyen
Ursula Van der Leyen

After this rise of right-wing in Europe, centre-right parties still have a majority in Europe. European Commission President Ursula Van der Leyen has announced that we have won the elections. The reason for this is that the seats of his European People’s Group in the 720-member European Parliament have increased by 8 to 184 as compared to last time. Although Leon admitted that the extreme-right parties have gained in the elections. It is still the centre-right parties that bind the whole of Europe at the centre of Europe.

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