Sam Altman

Microsoft’s masterstroke of hiring Sam Altman.

A few days ago, Sam Altman was fired from the post of CEO along with his job by OpenAI. After Sam left, the company’s board also removed Greg Brockman from the post of President, after that Greg himself left the company. Sam Altman was the CEO of OpenAI from 2019 to 2023 and the president of Y Combinator from 2014 to 2019.

Microsoft’s masterstroke

Yesterday Microsoft made a big decision. The company hired former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and former President Greg Brockman. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella himself gave this information. At this time, Microsoft is one of the largest tech companies in the world. As a result, this move of Microsoft is being described as a masterstroke.

Microsoft has hired both of them to lead a new advanced AI research team for its company. Both have immense experience in the AI sector which can be used to take Microsoft’s new Advanced AI Research team to new heights. Microsoft will also benefit tremendously from this and Nadella knows this very well. That’s why hiring Sam and Greg is a masterstroke by Microsoft.

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Sam Altman’s contribution to the success of OpenAI

AI – Artificial Intelligence is a technology that is currently prevalent in the tech world. Many big tech companies around the world are working on Artificial Intelligence to provide chatbots and other services and are also working on new services. But OpenAI is the most popular company in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a chatbot based on Artificial Intelligence, last year and since then the popularity of the company has increased significantly. The reason behind this was the tremendous response ChatGPT got from people which is still being received.

Sam and Greg have been instrumental in the success of OpenAI and ChatGPT.



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1 thought on “Microsoft’s masterstroke of hiring Sam Altman.”

  1. Pingback: Sam Altman returns as OpenAI CEO. - INFORMATION SITE

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