Kota District Collector Dr Ravindra Goswami has written a letter motivating the students. While encouraging the children, he wrote that I had also failed in PMT. We can put in hard work, but ultimately it is up to God to determine the outcome. He appealed to the students due to the increasing number of students doing suicide in Kota. This is a worry for everyone including the residents of Kota as well as the parents of the students.
Kota collector started his emotional appeal with the poetry of Sahir Ludhianvi.
हज़ार बर्क़ गिरे लाख आँधियाँ उट्ठें
वो फूल खिल के रहेंगे जो खिलने वाले हैं
साहिर लुधियानवी

The Kota District Collector wrote that these lines of Sahir Sahib completely underline the victory over the struggles of life and the contribution of God to it. After some time you will give NEET and JEE Advanced papers. Dear children, it would be best if you remembered that every failure allows you to overcome the mistakes and convert them into success.
This exam is just a milestone, not a destination and failure in it cannot determine the direction of your life. I am an example of this, I have also failed in PMT. We can put in our best efforts, but ultimately, the results are in God’s hands. If we succeed, it may be because God has deemed it so. And if we don’t succeed, perhaps it’s because God has a different plan for us.

Therefore, all I have to say to you is that you are a great child of this great India. Moreover, only one examination cannot be considered as the criterion for achieving your goals. Even if you walk, you may fall. But the true test is getting up and continuing to walk tirelessly towards your destination so that this country can be proud of you.
Kota Collector also wrote a letter to parents.

Kota Collector also wrote a letter to parents. He wrote Dear parents, NEET and JEE examinations are to be held shortly. You must have provided proper facilities to your child for studies, coaching, room and food. Apart from this, the dedication you have made to your children has no parallel example.
Kota Collector questioned the parents whether a person becomes successful merely by passing an examination. He further said, probably not. Kota Collector said success is a spiritual experience, which is achieved by doing any work with dedication.
Kota collector said to the parents that the child may have worked hard but may have a bad day. It may be that the child may have worked hard but is not interested in the subject. Perhaps he is a fish, trying to fly in a race.
Kota collector Dr Ravindra Goswami requested parents to give their children a chance to make mistakes and correct them as my parents did when I went back home from Kota. Your Child will do anything for you with all his heart. Talk to him regularly and explain that failure is a universal experience. Everyone has made mistakes at some point in their lives. It is also not essential to become a doctor or an engineer to achieve success.
He further wrote that many times children ask me at “Dinner with Collector” that if I fail, my parents will never talk to me. Every time I assure them that their Parents are happy because of your happiness. Moreover, whatever you do if you do it with all your heart, you will be happy. He asked the parents that he hoped that as their representative, they would listen to these things said by him and give confidence to the great children of this great India which they need the most today. Kota Collecter ended both his letters with Jai Hind.